986 369 778


Rúa Moreira, 1 Gondomar Pontevedra

9:00 - 14:00

Monday to Friday

986 369 778


Rúa Moreira, 1 Gondomar Pontevedra

9:00 - 16:30

Monday to Friday

Pedagogical Principles

Prepared learning environments

For children to carry out their learning activities, it is paramount to have a learning environment where they can feel safe in all respects. To that end, it is essential to build a solid structure that includes well-defined limits and rules, as well as to accompany children respectfully and to offer a rich and varied learning environment that engages them and drives them to experiment and approach knowledge.

Acompañamiento respetuoso de una escuela Montessori

Respectful guidance

Gándara caters to children’s individual needs and rhythms so that they can thrive and develop fully. We do not interfere with their interests, nor project adult expectations onto their work.

Also, we use non-violent communication, active listening, positive and non-manipulative discipline and conflict management tools.

El aprendizaje vivencial forma parte de la metodología Montessori

Active, hands-on learning

From an active learning perspective, students do not merely amass data. They are the real protagonists of their learning process. Teachers – called “accompanying guides” – observe, detect and create the conditions that are necessary to cater to children’s emotional, social and intellectual needs, helping them to discover the world around them and to gain self-knowledge.

Contacto con el medio natural para niños en la escuela

Contact with nature

Nature is an excellent place for active learning where children love to discover and investigate. Also, being outdoors allows children to acquire greater physical and emotional well-being, as it gives them the chance to be physically active and to get to know themselves. This strengthens their self- esteem and self-confidence, stimulates their creativity and helps them gain greater respect towards their environment.

Fomentar la autonomía forma parte del método Montessori

Autonomy and self-regulation

We accompany children in their development as autonomous human beings in their daily activities and learning processes, respecting their different life stages and individual rhythms. In addition, we promote emotional and cognitive self-regulation, which for us refers to children’s capacity to control their thoughts, emotions and actions, and self-direct their behavior in varying situations, activating the required learning strategies to achieve established goals.

La convivencia es esencial en la educación de los niños

Sharing school life

Regulating school life is achieved through a set of limits and rules aimed at generating a safe and respectful environment. For that matter, children take part in decisions and responsibilities that come with living in a community; they undertake responsibilities towards other people and towards the school premises too. Conflicts are dealt with from a respectful, non-violent approach, where adults act as mediators, avoiding manipulation and fostering self-management.